Curbside Pickup

Yes. Curbside Pickup allows you to place your order online and pick it up at our Retail Store, in Hamilton Bermuda.

To see if an item is eligible for Curbside Pickup, check the item availability on the product detail page and make sure to choose date and time for the Pick Up option when checking out. Items that are in stock will be ready for pickup within 4 - 24 hours. Please wait until you receive the Ready For Pickup email before going to the store to pick up your order.


Unfortunately we cannot add items to an existing order. Please place a new order for the item and email us. We’ll be happy to waive shipping on this additional order if it was placed within 24 hours of the original order.

Due to an unforeseen event, the item you ordered suddenly became out of stock and is no longer available. We promise these cases are rare. However, if an item in your order does become unavailable, you will be contacted within 24 to 48 hours about the cancellation. If your order contains additional items, these items will still be allocated to you and the unavailable item will be removed from your order. In any event if the customer decides to cancel order before it is allocated please allow 48 hours for customer care to cancel and process any refunds. If your order comes through our system as potentially fraudulent, it will be cancelled IMMEDIATELY. If you purchase on our website with a fraudulent card, you will be reported to your local authorities and sent to collections for the amount that was charged. 

If you’re still receiving an error message after reviewing your credit card information, billing and shipping address, make sure you’re using the latest version of your web browser. Please only click the “Place Order” button once to avoid multiple authorizations. Otherwise, after placing your order, choose the payment option "Cash on Collection", and bring your cash with you when picking up your items. Remember, we are always here to help you, for further question about order processing please, contact our Customer Care at: info.pleasurebda@gmail.com.

Payment & Processing

Your credit card will only be charged once after your order is confirmed. If you just placed your order, what you are seeing on your bank account is an authorization. This is a common bank practice handling credit card transactions to ensure sufficient funds and account authenticity. This authorization will clear (depending on your bank, usually within (48-72 hours). If you need help speeding up the process, you can contact the issuing bank of your credit card. Please only click the “Place Order” button once to avoid multiple authorizations.

Cash on Collection is a treasury function that describes the process whereby the customer brings cash to pay for the item at the pickup allocated time slot. Cash on Collection is available at the checkout section. 

Returns & Refunds

In the event of a refund, we ask that you please email us at info.pleasurebda@gmail.com after receiving a order number for your item. For further information please refer to our return policy.

In the event of a refund, we ask that you please email us at info.pleasurebda@gmail.com after receiving a order number for your item. We would like to know the reason for your return so we can better serve you and our customers in the future. For further information please refer to our refund policy.